11. Quiz: Using Default Function Parameters (2-2)


Create a buildHouse() function that accepts an object as a default parameter. The object should set the following properties to these default values:

  • floors = 1
  • color = 'red'
  • walls = 'brick'

The function should return the following if no arguments or any empty object is passed to the function.

Your house has 1 floor(s) with red brick walls.

Your Code:

Start Quiz:

 * Programming Quiz: Using Default Function Parameters (2-2)

// your code goes here

/* tests
console.log(buildHouse()); // Your house has 1 floor(s) with red brick walls.
console.log(buildHouse({})); // Your house has 1 floor(s) with red brick walls.
console.log(buildHouse({floors: 3, color: 'yellow'})); // Your house has 3 floor(s) with yellow brick walls.